
by Wiley Publishing Japan K.K.



It is created by the Japan Society of Hepatology "hepatitis B treatment guidelines" and "hepatitis C treatment guidelines" digest version app (Japanese, English switchable). Wherein seems to be important in the current day-to-day clinical, and has been excerpted chart, it has become a convenient easy-to-use with the contents. If you can download once in mobile, also available in an offline environment. Doctors and health care workers involved in the hepatitis clinic or the general public, are also available.[Operation check model]NEXUS9 5.1.1Xperia Z5 SOV32 5.1.1ARROWS V F-04E 4.2.2GALAXY SII WiMAX ISW11SC 4.0.4HTC J ISW13HT 4.0.4Android OS 4.0 or later correspondence (It may not work properly with non-tested models.)